Holiday Party 2024

2:00 pm
6:00 pm

The Club will provide a ham and plates, glasses,
tableware, water and non-alcoholic beverages.
Members are asked to bring a potluck dish to
share. You may also bring beverages of your

We will have our White Elephant gift exchange,
too! Bring a wrapped (Christmas wrapping
paper is encouraged) gift of no more than about
$25 value. Think motorcycle-, camping- or
travel-related. Of course, random items have
also shown up at times.
Holiday hats are encouraged.

Watch for emails to follow with parking details
and information. We hope to see everyone there!

NOTE: If the weather is good (not raining) we will also have
a swap meet for gear you no longer use or you are looking
for good deals on used gear – clothing, gloves, camping
stuff, moto gear, etc. So, bring stuff to recycle!