SB BMW Riders Fall Event 2024 – The Sierra Passes 9/13 – 16
For our first night, there are several nice hotels in Bishop. Prices are around from $110 up . I’ll get a place with a pool in case riders want to come and hang out. What do you recommend? Vagabond?
For the 2nd and 3rd nights in Sonora, the historic GunHouse Hotel has been recommended and has decent rates. We will stay in Sonora for two nights giving riders the option to ride other passes, Sonora Pass and Ebbetts highway 4 pass. For the fourth day, riders could do the iron butt long haul home or we can head to the coast or down closer to SB. Recommendations or suggestions. Maybe cooler on Coast- head over Monterey?
For those interested in going, let’s start a conversation and get hotel rooms reserved.
Also, Enzo reminded us about needing a reservation to do the Tioga pass on the weekend. So we need to get this arranged too.
Let me know your ideas, recommendations and if you can join the fun!