The Super Absorbent Towel Trick

This time of year there seems to always be a nice layer of dew on my seat if I leave my bike out at all past dark. To combat this annoying natural phenomenon I cut a nice sized square off of a super absorbent towel that I bought at the County Fair a while back, and that works like a charm. You can get them now at almost any auto parts store too. I just wring it out and stick it back in my pocket and I’m good to go. My first one was getting a little grungy, so I tossed that one and cut myself off a new one. 

I figure I can get quite a few of these off of one towel. This system beats the hell off my old way of keeping paper towels in my pocket because they had nowhere near that same kind of staying power. I’d

have them a few days and I was out looking for new. And they never wrung out as well so my pocket would get wet and that is no fun with the nights being as cold as they are this time of year. 


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